4 Ways to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home

Protecting your home from wildlife is an important part of being a responsible homeowner. Unfortunately, knowing how best to keep animals out cannot be easy. To help you secure your living space, we have created a list of four methods for keeping wildlife away from your property. We also provide tips on how to use each method effectively. Read on to learn more about keeping wildlife away from your home! No matter where you live, these tips can help protect your property.

1) Contact Wildlife Control Companies

Hiring a professional wildlife removal company is one of the most efficient ways to keep animals away from your home. These companies are knowledgeable about local wildlife and can provide effective solutions for removing unwanted critters. They also have the tools and experience necessary to care for problem animals quickly and safely. You can find wildlife control in Oregon, Idaho, and many other states. Additionally, most wildlife removal services offer humane animal relocation and exclusion services to ensure that animals are kept safe. For instance, trapping raccoons and relocating them to a new area will help prevent them from returning to your property.

2) Seal Any Potential Entry Points

Animals can enter your home through small cracks and crevices, so sealing any potential entry points is essential for keeping wildlife out. Check around the foundation of your house, as well as windows and doors. If you find any openings or holes, seal them with caulk or steel wool to prevent animals from entering your home. Additionally, ensure all vents are capped and covered with wire mesh to keep out flying pests like birds.

3) Remove Food Sources

Wild animals will be attracted to any food sources in or around your property. So removing these attractants is important if you want to keep them away from your home. Keep pet food indoors and securely store bird seed or other wild animal feeders when not in use. Also, ensure trash cans are tightly sealed and not left out overnight. Clean up any fallen fruit or nuts that may be in your yard to ensure that there is no food available for wildlife.

4) Install Deterrents

If you want a more long-term solution for deterring animals and pests from intruding on your property, consider installing deterrents such as motion-activated sprinklers or flashing lights. These devices emit sudden noises and flashes of light when triggered by movement, scaring away animals without harming them. Additionally, strategically placing artificial predators such as owls around your home can also help keep wild animals away—ensure they’re securely attached so they don’t become a threat themselves!

Extra Tip: Maintain Your Landscaping

Maintain Your Landscaping

Maintaining your landscaping is important for keeping wildlife away from your home. Trim back any bushes or trees that are close to the house and make sure there is no potential nesting material nearby. Additionally, consider putting up a fence around your property to provide an additional physical barrier against animal intrusion.

By following these simple steps, you can protect your home from wildlife and keep animals out. With a little effort, you can ensure that your property is safe and secure. Good luck!

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