9 Surprising Real Estate Photography Facts You Need To Know

Before the rise of the internet, property owners had no choice but to get in touch with realtors to sell off their properties. But now, online real estate platforms have made it easier to sell properties on their own. You can advertise it on a suitable platform to grab the attention of potential customers.

All you need to do is to list the property on beycome.com and add necessary information such as its description and photos of the premises.

In an attempt to cut down on expenses, many people capture the images on their own instead of hiring professional photographers. But keep in mind you’re also losing out on various benefits this way.

Here are some facts about real estate photography that will convince you why it’s a must to acquire the services of professional photographers for selling a property:

1. Online Views

When you publish a property ad on any real estate platform, you should promote it to increase its visibility. The more potential buyers view this ad, the easier it’ll be for you to sell it quickly.

Around 92% of home buyers use the internet to search for properties for sale. Property listings with professional photos are viewed by 118% more internet users than other properties. When it comes to residential properties, professional photos can increase the visibility of your ad by 61%.

2. Buyer’s Attention

The longer you keep the buyer hooked to the property ad, the higher will be the chances of selling the house. When you publish an ad without any photos, potential buyers, on average, look at it for 2 seconds.

But with professional images, you can grab their attention for around 20 seconds.

3. Listing Photos vs. Listing Descriptions

Beycome.com facilitates people to buy and sell properties with ease.

When potential buyers visit the property sites, they spend just 20% of their time going through the agent description and the details of the property. On the other hand, 60% of their time is spent on viewing photos or videos of the property.

4. Increased Property Value

When selling your residential property, you should use different tactics to increase the value of your property.

Real estate statistics by CBS News suggest that houses with high-quality professional photos receive up to 47% higher asking price per square foot than other similar property ads that lack a virtual tour of the site.

With high-quality photos, you can gain somewhere between $934 and $116,976 in the market. Moreover, residential properties with professional photographs are sold for up to $19,000 more as compared to other houses.

When listing your property for sale, you should estimate its current market price. Professionally captured photos help you sell your residential property 39% closer to this original price. It helps you increase the value of your property and sell it at profitable rates.

5. Better Performance in the Market

Properties valued between $400,000 and $500,000 perform better in the market during the first six months if they include high-quality photos. You can get around 18% more than other houses through professional photography.

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6. Buyers Appreciate Professional Photos

When looking for property ads online, buyers prefer property ads that are accompanied by photos of the house. Around 83% of buyers find pictures very important since they help them make the right buying decision.

7. Quick Results

The longer it takes to sell off your property, the lower will be its value. You can grab potential buyers’ attention and sell your property quickly with the help of professionally captured photos.

On average, a property stays unsold in the market for 123 days. But you can speed up the process and sell it 32% faster within 89 days by inserting the photos of your property in the advertisement.

However, these stats are obtained from property listings higher than $300,000. Property listings below this range don’t necessarily attract buyers with photos.

8. Beat the Competition

Nowadays, many people use online platforms for buying and selling houses. In order to sell your property quickly at good rates, you should creatively think of ways how you can beat the competition.

Only 15% of property listings have high-quality photos. More than half of properties with a value over $1 million use low-quality images in listings. You can attract more buyers with the help of professional photos.

9. Photography Tips

Real estate photographers usually use a 10mm lens to capture the photos of properties that are being sold. It helps them capture high-quality images without distorting them.

This wide-angle lens makes it easier to cover large rooms and makes them look spacious. This way, you can attract potential buyers with ease.

To elevate your real estate photography game, consider partnering with professionals at photoandvideoedits.com who can enhance your property images with their expert editing skills and ensure you make a lasting impression on potential buyers.


Thinking of selling your property via an online listing platform? Don’t forget to add high-quality images of your house!

It’s best to hire professional photographers for this purpose. They can capture quality images and videos that can attract potential customers.

These images assist buyers in making a buying decision. They increase the visibility of your ad and grab the attention of potential buyers. You can get a good value for your house by adding professional photos.

Real estate agents selling properties for their clients should consider outsourcing the task since it can significantly increase commission.

All in all, selling your property at good rates is quite a task. But you can make the process more convenient by adding professionally captured photos to the listing. It’ll help you sell off your house within a brief time.

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